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posté par veginib le 02-05-2020 à 09:26

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Tell me how to plan your day to keep up?

I thought I'd have a lot of different things to do in quarantine. But it turned out to be more complicated. I have a job and a family and a house. I can't do anything.

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posté par gehex le 03-05-2020 à 08:54

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It was also difficult for me to understand what I was spending my time on during the day. This was especially evident in the quarantine. It would seem that a lot can be done at home. But what did I do? I couldn't remember tonight. For me, the first week was in shock. Then I started planning my day.
I'm helped by actiTIME software. A quick guide to remote work for beginners helped me learn how to plan my day. Time control is very important

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