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posté par ace7979 le 17-05-2021 à 06:12

Voir le profil

Update Real Info Fullz SSN DOB + DL Scan , Cash App, Fresh CVV ==> Telegram ( @acesellers7979 )

HOT 2021 Sell info fullz SSN + Dob + DL - Info Fullz Company ICQ: 748441620

Sell info fullz SSN + Dob + DL - Sell Info Fullz Dead UK USA- Sell Cvv Telegram (@acesellers7979 ) 

Sell Info Fullz Company USA Uk Ca Fresh 2021


Sell CVV, Sell Fullz info SSN + Dob + DL Fresh New 100% Telegram ( @acesellers7979 ) 

Sell Pros + Driving license Info Fullz Any State : New York , California, Alabama, Arizona , California , Colorado , Florida , Georgia , Hawaii, Illinois , Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan ..... Any state in USA

   •ICQ: 748441620 ( selldumps )

   •GMAIL: [email protected]

   •WhatsApp: +84935462769

   •Telegram: (Name: acesellers7979 )

   •Google hangouts: [email protected]

   •Skype: acesellers7979

Hello all clients ! 
- Im hacker, good seller, best tools, sell online 24h. 
- I want introduce to you my services and sell fresh cvv (visa/master,amex,dis,bin,dob,fullz..) all country, Dumps track 1&2, Account paypal,SMTP, RDP, VPS, Mailers, do WU transfer and Software Bug Transfer Western Union. 
- I sell cvv Fresh - Fast and Good price. 
- And I need good buyer for business long-term. 
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**Sell Credit Card (CVV) Online good payment for Shopping online** 
Format is: 
|Card Number|Exp. Date|CVV/CVV2|First Name|Last Name|Street|City|State|Zip Code|Country|Phone|Type Of Card|Bank Name| 
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+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MY CARDS PRICE LIST ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 

**********clone card prices LIST************ 

$250-------$3000 ---balance 



Platinium visa - 350€ plafond 15000€ 

Platinium Visa - 450€ ----> plafond 20000€ 
Platinium Mastercard - 500€ ----> plafond 22500€ 

Platinium Visa - 600 ----> 27000€ 
Platinium Mastercard - 650 ---> 29000 

Infinity Visa - 750€ ----> plafond 35000€ 
Infinity Mastercard - 850€ ----> plafond 45000€ 

Achat et Livraison Express 
avec DHL ou UPS ou par la POSTE et meme FEDEX 

===> List Price for fresh Credit Card (CC,CCV,CVV) 
- US (visa/master) = 15$ per 1 
- US (Amex,Dis) = 25$ per 1 
- US Bin = 20$, US Dob = 25$ 
- US fullz info = 60$ per 1 
- UK (visa/master) = 20$ per 1 
- UK (Amex,Dis) = 25$ per 1 
- UK Bin = 30$, UK Dob = 30$ 
- UK fullz info = 70$ per 1 
- CA (visa/master) = 20$ per 1 
- CA (Amex,Dis) = 25$ per 1 
- CA Bin = 25$, CA Dob = 25$ 
- CA fullz info = 70$ per 1 
- AU (visa/master) = 25$ 
- AU (Amex,Dis) = 30$ per 1 
- AU Bin = 30$, AU Dob = 35$ 
- AU fullz info = 70$ per 1 
- EU (Visa,Master) = 30$ per 1 
- EU (Amex,Dis) = 35$ per 1 
- EU Bin = 35$, AU Dob = 40$ 
- EU fullz info = 70$ per 1 

Others Country: 
- Italy = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Spain = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Denmark = 25$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Sweden = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- France = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Germany = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Ireland = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Mexico = 15$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Asia = 15$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
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* SPECIAL CARD (With DOB + Bin, Full Info) good bin, high balance: 
30 CC Dob + Bin US = 450$ 
30 CC Dob + Bin UK = 500$ 
20 CC Dob + Bin CA = 500$ 
20 CC Dob + Bin AU = 500$ 
20 CC Dob + Bin EU = 600$ 

* SSN / DOB: 
150$ - 200$ = 400 info SSN DOB (Name + Adresss + City + State + Fone + SSN + DOB): 
|178516|301-52-7518|08/29/1950|Edwin|R|White|B|M|5|11|170|BLK|RU186513|2000| OH|R|937-275-8536|2000 Benson Dr|Dayton|OH|45406| 
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===> Price for Dumps: 
** Usa :101 
- Visa Classic, MasterCard Standart =45$ 
- Visa Gold|Platinum|Business, MasterCard Gold|Platinum = 50$ 
- American Express = $50 (Without SID) 
- Discover = $50 

** Canada: 101 201 
- Visa Classic, MasterCard Standart = 45$ 
- Visa Gold|Platinum|Business, MasterCard Gold|Platinum = 50$ 

** EU, UK: 101 201 
- Classic|Standart = 60$ 
- Gold|Platinum = 70$ 
- Business|Signature|Purchase|Corporate|World = 100$ 

** ASIA/AUSTRALIA/Exotic: 101 201 121 
- MasterCard| Visa Classic = $50 
- Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business = $70 

** Other countries: 101 201 
- MasterCard| Visa Classic = 50$ 
- Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business = 70$ 

===> Price for Dumps and Track 1 & 2(With/without Pin): 
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- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 US = 120$/1, No Pin 70$ 
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 UK = 140$/1, No Pin 80$ 
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 EU = 140$/1, No Pin 80$ 
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 AU = 120$/1, No Pin 80$ 
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 CA = 120$/1, No Pin 80$ 

Track 1: B4867967032437166^AVALLONE/SONJA^13011010000000472000000 
Track 2: 4867967032437166=13011010000047200000|United States|JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.|Visa|Platinum|101|Tr1+Tr2| 
Pin code: 2269 
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===> Western Union transfer (WU Transfer) ($/£/€) 

(EU,UK,Asia,Canada,US,France,Germany,Italy,Nigeria ,.. African) 
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$300 for MTCN $3000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details) 
$500 for MTCN $6000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details) 
$700 for MTCN $9000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details) 
$900 for MTCN $15000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details) 

Give me your western union receive info and payment me fee. Then i will do transfer for you, After about 30 mins you'll have MTCN and sender's name. 
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* Selling Email and pass - Email leads: 
1000 Email and pass of (US,UK,CA,EU,AU,..) and many other countries = 50$ 
5000 (US,UK,AU), World(Mixed), Jobseeker, AOL email leads = 50$ 
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(HSBC, Barclays, Welsfargo, BOA, Chase, Credit union, Halifax,.. and many Bank other) 
Bank Login : Username + Password Number 
Bank transfer: Holder Name Use Bank + Number Account Bank + Bank Name + Address Full. 
Have all details for login and i can transfer balance to your account if you want. 
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- Account balance: 
**US: (Bank of America,Chase,Wells Fargo...) 
. Balance 3000$ = 300$
. Balance 6000$ = 500$ 
. Balance 8000$ = 600$ 
. Balance 12000$ = 800$ 
. Balance 15000$ = 1000$ 
. Balance 20000$ = 1200$ 

**UK: (LLOYDS TSB,BARCLAYS,Standard Chartered,HSBC...) 
. Balance 3000 GBP = 400$ 
. Balance 6000 GBP = 600$ 
. Balance 10000 GBP = 800$ 
. Balance 12000 GBP = 900$ 
. Balance 16000 GBP = 1000$ 
. Balance 20000 GBP = 1500$ 
(Other fees transfer depend on amount you want) 
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- PayPal: 
+ Sell Visa Debit US : 120$ 
+ Paypal with pass email = 60$/paypal 
+ Paypal don't have pass email = 50$/Paypal 
+ Paypal Veritified with balance and price (Email address + password) full infomation: 
100$ = 1 Account PP 2000$ 
200$ = 1 Account PP 4500$ 
300$ = 1 Account PP 8500$ 
500$ = 1 Account PP 13000$ 

===> Price of ATM Card ($/£/€): 

ATM card 4000$ = 200$ 
ATM card 7000$ = 350$ 

ATM card 6000€ = 250$ 
ATM card 8000€ = 350$ 

ATM card 2000£ = 150$ 
ATM card 5000£ = 300$ 

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Contact Me Support: 

   •ICQ: 748441620 ( selldumps )

   •GMAIL: [email protected]

   •WhatsApp: +84935462769

   •Telegram: (Name: acesellers7979 )

   •Google hangouts: [email protected]

- Customer want test please buy for test and if the cvv is good customer can buy more from me, pls dont ask free test and sample or screenshot with me. 
- Customer buy over 15, I will discount for you. 
- I have a replacement policy for bad cvv. All my cvv are inspected before sale. 
- Cvv will be sent to you after receiving payment. Orders will be sent via e-mail or where you want and warranty for you 24h after you buy. 

- Payment methods PM(Perfect Money), BTC(Bitcoin) , MG(MoneyGram) and - minimum orders by MG is 150$. 
Thank you for read ! 



161 - 170 de 179
posté par ace7979 le 06-07-2021 à 12:26

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SBA account for sale

Unemployment Benefit
- California 
Applying for California they will ask ID card for verification so if you are to get fullz from any spammer like me make sure you get it with the ID card.

Darkweb Websites Links

Cashapp Method 1K Daily! 2021

Cashapp,PayPal transfer 

2021 CC to BTC guide [ UPDATE  MAY 2021 - WORKING ] + VPN  SOCKS5 setup guides Still works in 2021

CVV Always Fresh + Good Valid + Strong + Best Price

-random unknown balance credit debit (without ssn and dob) : 20$
-known balance 1k - 10k (without ssn and dob) : 25$
-known balance 10k - 20k (without ssn and dob) : 35$$
-known balance more then 20k (without ssn and dob) : 45$
-FULLZ (SSN + DOB + MMN + DL) Debit or credit :80$
NOTE: for specific BIN +5$

This is a example of the FULLZ format we deliver 
CC number | expiry | CVV | FULL NAME | address | city | State | zipcode| phone number | EMAIL | SSN | DOB 

This is a example of the KNOWN BALANCE format we deliver 
CC number | expiry | CVV | FULL NAME | address | city | State | zipcode| phone number | EMAIL | BALANCE |

Finalize early and positive feedback is much appreciate.
In case there is a problem contact me before disputing the card

.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :@acesellers7979 ( )
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

posté par ace7979 le 05-07-2021 à 09:37

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

SBA account for sale

Unemployment Benefit
- California 
Applying for California they will ask ID card for verification so if you are to get fullz from any spammer like me make sure you get it with the ID card.

Darkweb Websites Links

Cashapp Method 1K Daily! 2021

Cashapp,PayPal transfer 

2021 CC to BTC guide [ UPDATE  MAY 2021 - WORKING ] + VPN  SOCKS5 setup guides Still works in 2021

CVV Always Fresh + Good Valid + Strong + Best Price

-random unknown balance credit debit (without ssn and dob) : 20$
-known balance 1k - 10k (without ssn and dob) : 25$
-known balance 10k - 20k (without ssn and dob) : 35$$
-known balance more then 20k (without ssn and dob) : 45$
-FULLZ (SSN + DOB + MMN + DL) Debit or credit :80$
NOTE: for specific BIN +5$

This is a example of the FULLZ format we deliver 
CC number | expiry | CVV | FULL NAME | address | city | State | zipcode| phone number | EMAIL | SSN | DOB 

This is a example of the KNOWN BALANCE format we deliver 
CC number | expiry | CVV | FULL NAME | address | city | State | zipcode| phone number | EMAIL | BALANCE |

Finalize early and positive feedback is much appreciate.
In case there is a problem contact me before disputing the card

.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :@acesellers7979 ( )
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

posté par ace7979 le 03-07-2021 à 11:04

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

Update 57 Fresh NY pro  + DL# ( for unemployment) 
.New SBA method with business Pros
.Clone Card with high balance
.Cali EDD

. Verified of all time
Shop with Me (100% Trusted ) 

. Sell CashApp Transfer
. Sell Cc / Cvv Fresh
. TLo lookups 
. Sell Bank Logs
. Sell Business Fullz  
. Sell Dumps, Dumps With Pins
. Sell Methods and Bibles 
. Sell CPN and Pros (H Credit Scores) 
. Dark Web Orders 
. Fake IDs/DL +Shipping

_________Contact Me_________

ICQ: 748441620 ( selldumps )
Whatsapp: +84935462769
Skype: acesellers7979
Chanel Telegram :   
Telegram: @acesellers7979 (name: ace sellers ) ( link telegram: )
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

posté par ace7979 le 01-07-2021 à 19:15

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

Update 1/7/2021 57 Fresh NY pro  + DL# ( for unemployment) 
.New SBA method with business Pros
.Clone Card with high balance
.Cali EDD

. Verified of all time
Shop with Me (100% Trusted ) 

. Sell CashApp Transfer
. Sell Cc / Cvv Fresh
. TLo lookups 
. Sell Bank Logs
. Sell Business Fullz  
. Sell Dumps, Dumps With Pins
. Sell Methods and Bibles 
. Sell CPN and Pros (H Credit Scores) 
. Dark Web Orders 
. Fake IDs/DL +Shipping

_________Contact Me_________

ICQ: 748441620 ( selldumps )
Whatsapp: +84935462769
Skype: acesellers7979
Chanel Telegram :   
Telegram: @acesellers7979 (name: ace sellers ) ( link telegram: )
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

posté par ace7979 le 27-06-2021 à 17:18

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

06/27/2021 New Update

 1. Cali Edd Sauce 2021 - $250
 2. Care Credit - $150
 3. SBA Loan Sauce - $250
 4. Info Fullz SSN DOB With DL
 5. Bank Open Sauce $250
 6. PayPal Sauce $200
 7. CC Sites -$100
 8. Profile Sites - $100

Best Of The Best Among Hackers 
-Sell Dumps Track 1/2 with or without Pin
-Sell Cvv CC Fullz
-Paypal Transfer Loading and Logs
-Cashapp Transfer Loading and Logs
-Sell Bank Logs and Wu Transfers
-Sell Methods And Carding

.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :@acesellers7979 ( )
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

posté par ace7979 le 25-06-2021 à 18:12

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

New Update... Usa, Uk, Canada, China, AU , EU...

Selling This Everything :

 Sell Cash App Transfer/Account
 SBA Loan Method/Docs
 Unemployment Any State 
 Tax refund method
 Bank Statements/Schedule C
 ID/DL Scannable 
 Sell Bank Logs
 Fullz & Docs
 Pros with Driver License, SSN
 Sell Credit Cards , Fresh CVV with Hight Balance
 Sell Clone Cards World wild delivery 
 Sell Dumps Track 1/2 With Pin

.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :@acesellers7979 ( )
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

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posté par ace7979 le 25-06-2021 à 18:03

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

New Update... Usa, Uk, Canada, China, AU , EU...

Selling This Everything :

 Sell Cash App Transfer/Account
 SBA Loan Method/Docs
 Unemployment Any State 
 Tax refund method
 Bank Statements/Schedule C
 ID/DL Scannable 
 Sell Bank Logs
 Fullz & Docs
 Pros with Driver License, SSN
 Sell Credit Cards , Fresh CVV with Hight Balance
 Sell Clone Cards World wild delivery 
 Sell Dumps Track 1/2 With Pin

.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :@acesellers7979 ( )
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

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posté par ace7979 le 22-06-2021 à 16:57

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

22/6/2021 New Update Base Dumps Pin,Cash App Transfer, CC Fullz 
. Verified of all time
Shop with Me (100% Trusted ) 
. Sell Cc / Cvv Fresh
. Sell CashApp Transfer
. TLo lookups 
. Sell Bank Logs
. Sell Business Fullz  
. Sell Dumps, Dumps With Pins
. Sell Methods and Bibles 
. Sell CPN and Pros (H Credit Scores) 
. Dark Web Orders 
. Fake IDs/DL +Shipping

_________Contact Me_________

ICQ: 748441620 ( selldumps )
Whatsapp: +84935462769
Skype: acesellers7979
Telegram: @acesellers7979 (name: ace sellers ) ( link telegram: )

Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

posté par ace7979 le 19-06-2021 à 10:14

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

IDme bypass Available For All States 

Unemployment with steps with SBA guide and video guide all going for a cool deal

SBA Method with tips for Guranteed Cashout - updated march 2021

SBA account for sale

Unemployment Benefit
- California 
Applying for California they will ask ID card for verification so if you are to get fullz from any spammer like me make sure you get it with the ID card.

Darkweb Websites Links

Cashapp Method 1K Daily! 2020

Cashapp,PayPal transfer 

2021 CC to BTC guide [ UPDATE  MAY 2020 - WORKING ] + VPN  SOCKS5 setup guides Still works in 2021

.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :@acesellers7979 ( )
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

posté par ace7979 le 14-06-2021 à 19:44

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

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-Telegram: @acesellers7979 ( )
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated
-ICQ: 748441620
-Whatsapp : +84935462769

161 - 170 de 179

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