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posté par ace7979 le 17-05-2021 à 06:12

Voir le profil

Update Real Info Fullz SSN DOB + DL Scan , Cash App, Fresh CVV ==> Telegram ( @acesellers7979 )

HOT 2021 Sell info fullz SSN + Dob + DL - Info Fullz Company ICQ: 748441620

Sell info fullz SSN + Dob + DL - Sell Info Fullz Dead UK USA- Sell Cvv Telegram (@acesellers7979 ) 

Sell Info Fullz Company USA Uk Ca Fresh 2021


Sell CVV, Sell Fullz info SSN + Dob + DL Fresh New 100% Telegram ( @acesellers7979 ) 

Sell Pros + Driving license Info Fullz Any State : New York , California, Alabama, Arizona , California , Colorado , Florida , Georgia , Hawaii, Illinois , Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan ..... Any state in USA

   •ICQ: 748441620 ( selldumps )

   •GMAIL: [email protected]

   •WhatsApp: +84935462769

   •Telegram: (Name: acesellers7979 )

   •Google hangouts: [email protected]

   •Skype: acesellers7979

Hello all clients ! 
- Im hacker, good seller, best tools, sell online 24h. 
- I want introduce to you my services and sell fresh cvv (visa/master,amex,dis,bin,dob,fullz..) all country, Dumps track 1&2, Account paypal,SMTP, RDP, VPS, Mailers, do WU transfer and Software Bug Transfer Western Union. 
- I sell cvv Fresh - Fast and Good price. 
- And I need good buyer for business long-term. 
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**Sell Credit Card (CVV) Online good payment for Shopping online** 
Format is: 
|Card Number|Exp. Date|CVV/CVV2|First Name|Last Name|Street|City|State|Zip Code|Country|Phone|Type Of Card|Bank Name| 
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+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MY CARDS PRICE LIST ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 

**********clone card prices LIST************ 

$250-------$3000 ---balance 



Platinium visa - 350€ plafond 15000€ 

Platinium Visa - 450€ ----> plafond 20000€ 
Platinium Mastercard - 500€ ----> plafond 22500€ 

Platinium Visa - 600 ----> 27000€ 
Platinium Mastercard - 650 ---> 29000 

Infinity Visa - 750€ ----> plafond 35000€ 
Infinity Mastercard - 850€ ----> plafond 45000€ 

Achat et Livraison Express 
avec DHL ou UPS ou par la POSTE et meme FEDEX 

===> List Price for fresh Credit Card (CC,CCV,CVV) 
- US (visa/master) = 15$ per 1 
- US (Amex,Dis) = 25$ per 1 
- US Bin = 20$, US Dob = 25$ 
- US fullz info = 60$ per 1 
- UK (visa/master) = 20$ per 1 
- UK (Amex,Dis) = 25$ per 1 
- UK Bin = 30$, UK Dob = 30$ 
- UK fullz info = 70$ per 1 
- CA (visa/master) = 20$ per 1 
- CA (Amex,Dis) = 25$ per 1 
- CA Bin = 25$, CA Dob = 25$ 
- CA fullz info = 70$ per 1 
- AU (visa/master) = 25$ 
- AU (Amex,Dis) = 30$ per 1 
- AU Bin = 30$, AU Dob = 35$ 
- AU fullz info = 70$ per 1 
- EU (Visa,Master) = 30$ per 1 
- EU (Amex,Dis) = 35$ per 1 
- EU Bin = 35$, AU Dob = 40$ 
- EU fullz info = 70$ per 1 

Others Country: 
- Italy = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Spain = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Denmark = 25$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Sweden = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- France = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Germany = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Ireland = 20$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Mexico = 15$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
- Asia = 15$ per 1 (fullz info = 70$) 
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* SPECIAL CARD (With DOB + Bin, Full Info) good bin, high balance: 
30 CC Dob + Bin US = 450$ 
30 CC Dob + Bin UK = 500$ 
20 CC Dob + Bin CA = 500$ 
20 CC Dob + Bin AU = 500$ 
20 CC Dob + Bin EU = 600$ 

* SSN / DOB: 
150$ - 200$ = 400 info SSN DOB (Name + Adresss + City + State + Fone + SSN + DOB): 
|178516|301-52-7518|08/29/1950|Edwin|R|White|B|M|5|11|170|BLK|RU186513|2000| OH|R|937-275-8536|2000 Benson Dr|Dayton|OH|45406| 
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===> Price for Dumps: 
** Usa :101 
- Visa Classic, MasterCard Standart =45$ 
- Visa Gold|Platinum|Business, MasterCard Gold|Platinum = 50$ 
- American Express = $50 (Without SID) 
- Discover = $50 

** Canada: 101 201 
- Visa Classic, MasterCard Standart = 45$ 
- Visa Gold|Platinum|Business, MasterCard Gold|Platinum = 50$ 

** EU, UK: 101 201 
- Classic|Standart = 60$ 
- Gold|Platinum = 70$ 
- Business|Signature|Purchase|Corporate|World = 100$ 

** ASIA/AUSTRALIA/Exotic: 101 201 121 
- MasterCard| Visa Classic = $50 
- Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business = $70 

** Other countries: 101 201 
- MasterCard| Visa Classic = 50$ 
- Visa Gold|Platinum|Corporate|Signature|Business = 70$ 

===> Price for Dumps and Track 1 & 2(With/without Pin): 
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- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 US = 120$/1, No Pin 70$ 
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 UK = 140$/1, No Pin 80$ 
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 EU = 140$/1, No Pin 80$ 
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 AU = 120$/1, No Pin 80$ 
- Dumps,Tracks 1&2 CA = 120$/1, No Pin 80$ 

Track 1: B4867967032437166^AVALLONE/SONJA^13011010000000472000000 
Track 2: 4867967032437166=13011010000047200000|United States|JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.|Visa|Platinum|101|Tr1+Tr2| 
Pin code: 2269 
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===> Western Union transfer (WU Transfer) ($/£/€) 

(EU,UK,Asia,Canada,US,France,Germany,Italy,Nigeria ,.. African) 
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$300 for MTCN $3000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details) 
$500 for MTCN $6000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details) 
$700 for MTCN $9000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details) 
$900 for MTCN $15000 (get MTCN vs Sender's details) 

Give me your western union receive info and payment me fee. Then i will do transfer for you, After about 30 mins you'll have MTCN and sender's name. 
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* Selling Email and pass - Email leads: 
1000 Email and pass of (US,UK,CA,EU,AU,..) and many other countries = 50$ 
5000 (US,UK,AU), World(Mixed), Jobseeker, AOL email leads = 50$ 
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(HSBC, Barclays, Welsfargo, BOA, Chase, Credit union, Halifax,.. and many Bank other) 
Bank Login : Username + Password Number 
Bank transfer: Holder Name Use Bank + Number Account Bank + Bank Name + Address Full. 
Have all details for login and i can transfer balance to your account if you want. 
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- Account balance: 
**US: (Bank of America,Chase,Wells Fargo...) 
. Balance 3000$ = 300$
. Balance 6000$ = 500$ 
. Balance 8000$ = 600$ 
. Balance 12000$ = 800$ 
. Balance 15000$ = 1000$ 
. Balance 20000$ = 1200$ 

**UK: (LLOYDS TSB,BARCLAYS,Standard Chartered,HSBC...) 
. Balance 3000 GBP = 400$ 
. Balance 6000 GBP = 600$ 
. Balance 10000 GBP = 800$ 
. Balance 12000 GBP = 900$ 
. Balance 16000 GBP = 1000$ 
. Balance 20000 GBP = 1500$ 
(Other fees transfer depend on amount you want) 
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- PayPal: 
+ Sell Visa Debit US : 120$ 
+ Paypal with pass email = 60$/paypal 
+ Paypal don't have pass email = 50$/Paypal 
+ Paypal Veritified with balance and price (Email address + password) full infomation: 
100$ = 1 Account PP 2000$ 
200$ = 1 Account PP 4500$ 
300$ = 1 Account PP 8500$ 
500$ = 1 Account PP 13000$ 

===> Price of ATM Card ($/£/€): 

ATM card 4000$ = 200$ 
ATM card 7000$ = 350$ 

ATM card 6000€ = 250$ 
ATM card 8000€ = 350$ 

ATM card 2000£ = 150$ 
ATM card 5000£ = 300$ 

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Contact Me Support: 

   •ICQ: 748441620 ( selldumps )

   •GMAIL: [email protected]

   •WhatsApp: +84935462769

   •Telegram: (Name: acesellers7979 )

   •Google hangouts: [email protected]

- Customer want test please buy for test and if the cvv is good customer can buy more from me, pls dont ask free test and sample or screenshot with me. 
- Customer buy over 15, I will discount for you. 
- I have a replacement policy for bad cvv. All my cvv are inspected before sale. 
- Cvv will be sent to you after receiving payment. Orders will be sent via e-mail or where you want and warranty for you 24h after you buy. 

- Payment methods PM(Perfect Money), BTC(Bitcoin) , MG(MoneyGram) and - minimum orders by MG is 150$. 
Thank you for read ! 



41 - 50 de 179
posté par ace7979 le 23-02-2022 à 04:53

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

Still Shipping Cloned Cards ... Dm With Your bitcoin and address ready
Track1,2 Shop Sell Dumps With Pin Online | Buy CVV Dumps On The Best Dumps CC Shop 2022

- Refund avalable for : Card Die, not valid, pin wrong, balance = 0, hold, stolen.
- You have 1 week to use then dowloard card info on store. Time Purchase will have on Your Cart.
- Daily Update good balance dumps pin , CVV2 fullz, with dob, ssn, mmn,
- Sell Passport, id card, dl all country.
- Sell Paypal verify account , unlock limit 180day ........
- Sell Egift Card wallmart , amazon, ebay .......
- Free Vps , Sock5 ........
- Fullz tutorial use cvv , dumps, dumps with pin.
- Good Dumps WIth pin , Hight balance Dumps, CVV fullz valid fresh and cheap.
- Any Order Bulk or reseller contact Us to know More . Good Luck to all.
- Sell Scans DL ( driver license ) SSN detail tell
- Sell info fullz SSN + Dob + DL - Info Fullz Company ICQ: 748441620
- Sell CVV, Sell Fullz info SSN + Dob + DL Fresh New 100% Telegram ( @acesellers7979 ) -
- Sell Pros + Driving license Info Fullz Any State
- Sell Verified CashApp, Cash App Transfer...
- Contact Support :

ICQ: 748441620 ( selldumps )
Whatsapp: +84935462769
Skype: acesellers7979

posté par ace7979 le 21-02-2022 à 09:55

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

$150 for balance $1.8k
$250 for balance $3.5k
$350 for balance $4.5K
$450  for balance $5.5k
$550 for balance $6.5k

$1k for balance $15.5k
$2k for balance $30.5k
$3.5k for balance $50.5k
$5k for balance $ 70.5k 

PM  for clone Cards ready for cashout on any ATM in any state. Overnight shipment 
And Different Country 1-2 days shipment 
All atm cards with pins , we can also make customised personalised cards with your names engraved in it ($100 extra) 
Other amounts can be discussed
• Sell DL Scan Front Back driver license SSN
• Sell Fullz FOR Edd California
• Fullz CA for Edd Pirce 70$ for 1 ( make sure not to use edd )
• full info ssn dob dl ( all state )
All payments via bitcoin. 
Worldwide delivery 

.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :

posté par ace7979 le 18-02-2022 à 06:39

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

I welcome You All To  My Service’s l am  Mcdonald a Carder On Here Looking for A Business Partner Who Is Interested In My Service
Also am Loading All Type Of PayPal Account  I Can Load Non Verified PayPal Account  Software which Can Transfer to the World Wide If You Are A Man Of Your Own Words and willing to Work with me for a Long Term  Business and  Always Comes with trust
Well I'm Selling Credit Cards & Fullz with High limit with An Online Access 
I sell
*PayPal account
*Dumps with pin
*Bank logs 
*Clone Cards 
*24Hours Replacement Policy. 
*I also get method tutorials for beginners just feel free to inbox me 

Doing CashApp And PayPal Flips As Well .. 

====PayPal Transfer   ===

=======Cash App Transfer ====

Inbox if you want long term business no ripping only the realest deal

Inbox me for long term business... 
Contact Me For Real Business 

Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated
-ICQ: 748441620
-Whatsapp : +84935462769

posté par ace7979 le 15-02-2022 à 10:36

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

Update Fullz 2022 new 100% SSN DOB + DL
We sell Cvv worldwide US, UK, CA, AUS, INTER.. Fresh And Live 100%
• Sell DL Scan Front Back driver license SSN
• Sell Fullz FOR Edd California
• Fullz CA for Edd Pirce 70$ for 1 ( make sure not to use edd )
• full info ssn dob dl ( all state )
• medical license
• DL (o/r)
• employer
•Sell Fullz info Ssn dob dl cheap
•Sell Fullz Tax-w2
•Sell Dumps With Pin
•Sell Cvv Good Balance
•Sell Cashapp Login ( with balance )

.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :

*** world leading reputation ***

* I am a legit ccv-cvv seller for long term business.
If ccv-cvv is dead or invalid. I will change for you.

posté par ace7979 le 13-02-2022 à 07:03

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

Sell Scan DL ( driver license ) SSN detail tell me ya
Sell info fullz Scan driver licens to create uber account, doordash account, amazon ... Fresh 100% 
Sell Fullz info with SSN DOB DL All State usa , DO DL Look Up , SSN + Dob Look up 2022
Sell Cash app transfers
Sell Western Union transfer
SBA's Method
Sell Clones cards
Sell Dumps with pin
Sell Cvv, CC Fullz
Sell Credit cards
Sell Regular dumps
Tap & pay
PayPal transfer
Hit me up for your Orders..

.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Chanel Telegram :
.Telegram :
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

posté par ace7979 le 13-02-2022 à 07:03

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

Sell Scan DL ( driver license ) SSN detail tell me ya
Sell info fullz Scan driver licens to create uber account, doordash account, amazon ... Fresh 100% 
Sell Fullz info with SSN DOB DL All State usa , DO DL Look Up , SSN + Dob Look up 2022
Sell Cash app transfers
Sell Western Union transfer
SBA's Method
Sell Clones cards
Sell Dumps with pin
Sell Cvv, CC Fullz
Sell Credit cards
Sell Regular dumps
Tap & pay
PayPal transfer
Hit me up for your Orders..

.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Chanel Telegram :
.Telegram :
Warning !!!
Someone is impersonating me.Be careful. i'm Username @Acesellers7979 (telegarm) Not Acesellers79797 or Aceseller7979 or Acesellers797979
A lot of customers have been cheated

posté par ace7979 le 09-02-2022 à 10:15

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

Hello All Buyers Worldwide ... !!!

You want to buy Credit Card or Some Tools other to work that does not want to See RIPPER / SCAMMER

That is the reason why today we want to recommend to your . One where you can get what you want, but not to worry.
-New Update Info Fullz 2022 Social Security Number ( SSN ) Driver License ( DL ), Scan Scan front and back DL SSN
           Fullz info SSN DOB DL with hight Credit Score
- Update 2022 Sell Fullz Info SSN DOB + DL, Cvv, Dumps with Pin, PayPal, Cash App Transfer
- HOT 2022 Sell info fullz SSN + Dob + DL - Info Fullz Company ICQ: 748441620
- Sell CVV Fresh 2022 , Sell Fullz info SSN + Dob + DL Fresh New 100% Telegram ( @acesellers7979 ) -
- Sell Pros + Driving license Info Fullz Any State : New York , California, Alabama, Arizona , California , Colorado , Florida , Georgia , Hawaii, Illinois , Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan ..... Any state in USA

(1). Why do you choose us ?

- Sell Cvv Good Fresh, High Balance
- Sell Dumps Track 1/2 with Pin & without Pin
- Sell WU Transfer
- Sell Bank Login / Bank Transfer
- Sell Cash App / Casp App Transfer

We Update Cvv and Tools Everyday.
Working friendly, high sense of responsibility,fast,quality,reliable and ensure absolute security 100% for Partners.

(2). Which kind of country you provide ?
We provide you all countries, especially are Usa, Uk, Ca, Au, Inter, China, Asian, Africa ...
We Update daily by assistance.

(3). How about our checker ?
Yes. We always checker Cvv and Services good + valid 100% before send for Customers.

(4). Changes and refunds if CVV or Tools not good and did not work ?
Yes. We changes and refund 100%, instantly to 10-15 minutes.

(5). How about the rules work in business ?
Don't talk about test free or sample or screenshot with me.
I can not break the rules working in business chain till death.

(6). How about payment system ?
Now, we only use

* Bitcoin (BTC)
* Western Union (WU)
* Perfect Money (PM)

(7). How can I contact you and working ?

   •ICQ: 748441620 ( selldumps )

   •WhatsApp: +84935462769


* Working 24/24 *

Thanks. Hope See You Soon !

posté par ace7979 le 28-01-2022 à 17:49

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

I can offer: Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Moneybookers with my private carding method...
I want BitCoin, PerfectMoney
340$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 2000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
460$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 3000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
550$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 4000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
660$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 5000$ Payza, PayPal,, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
740$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 6000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill

Prices for Payoneer:
390$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 2000$ Payoneer
490$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 3000$ Payoneer
590$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 4000$ Payoneer
690$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 5000$ Payoneer
790$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 6000$ Payoneer

WesternUnion RATES:
!!!! MINIMUM IS 299$ BTC FOR 2.000$ WU - If you ask me for lower amount, i will ignore you and i will report to admin !!!!
[$2000 WU] for [ 299 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$3000 WU] for [ 390 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$4000 WU] for [ 480 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$5000 WU] for [ 570 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$6000 WU] for [ 660 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$7000 WU] for [ 750 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$8000 WU] for [ 800 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9000 WU] for [ 850 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4500$ and 4500$)
[$9990 WU] for [ 899 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4995$ and 4995$)

Bank Transfer RATES:
[$2000 BANK] for [ 340 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$3000 BANK] for [ 440 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$4000 BANK] for [ 540 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$5000 BANK] for [ 640 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$6000 BANK] for [ 790 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$7000 BANK] for [ 880 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$8000 BANK] for [ 970 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9000 BANK] for [ 1090 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9999 BANK] for [ 1190 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]

I can Transfer MoneyGram. It will take 4 hours.
I have a private MoneyGram carding method....

I need your info or DROP info:
First Name:_____________________
Last Name:______________________
Your country:___________________
Your City:______________________

MoneyGram RATES:
[$2000 MG] for [ 299 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$3000 MG] for [ 390 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$4000 MG] for [ 480 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$5000 MG] for [ 570 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$6000 MG] for [ 660 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$7000 MG] for [ 750 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$8000 MG] for [ 800 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9000 MG] for [ 850 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4500$ and 4500$)
[$9990 MG] for [ 999 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4995$ and 4995$)

*NOTE* :
Only for first deal with me:
1] If Order above 490$ you will receive +500$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill GIFT
2] If Order above 590$ you will receive +1.000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill GIFT
3] If Order above 690$ you will receive +3.000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill GIFT

You will receive the money without risks.. Wink
PM me first Smile

I decided to make limited transfers with buyers. A person can take only one time transfer in a day to get safe me and himself too (security reasons)
If you want to do regular business with me then you have many bank accounts, paypal, moneybookers and fake ids for western union because after 2 or 3 transfers your paypal and Wu ids will be black listed and banned. So think before deal. Make big transactions and get a side and give other peoples chance or try to gather many fake accounts and work with me on regular basis.

----- Thanks all read my post.............hope to see you soon -----
.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :

posté par ace7979 le 26-01-2022 à 10:21

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

I can offer: Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Moneybookers with my private carding method...
I want BitCoin, PerfectMoney
340$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 2000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
460$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 3000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
550$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 4000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
660$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 5000$ Payza, PayPal,, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
740$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 6000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill

Prices for Payoneer:
390$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 2000$ Payoneer
490$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 3000$ Payoneer
590$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 4000$ Payoneer
690$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 5000$ Payoneer
790$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 6000$ Payoneer

WesternUnion RATES:
!!!! MINIMUM IS 299$ BTC FOR 2.000$ WU - If you ask me for lower amount, i will ignore you and i will report to admin !!!!
[$2000 WU] for [ 299 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$3000 WU] for [ 390 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$4000 WU] for [ 480 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$5000 WU] for [ 570 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$6000 WU] for [ 660 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$7000 WU] for [ 750 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$8000 WU] for [ 800 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9000 WU] for [ 850 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4500$ and 4500$)
[$9990 WU] for [ 899 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4995$ and 4995$)

Bank Transfer RATES:
[$2000 BANK] for [ 340 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$3000 BANK] for [ 440 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$4000 BANK] for [ 540 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$5000 BANK] for [ 640 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$6000 BANK] for [ 790 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$7000 BANK] for [ 880 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$8000 BANK] for [ 970 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9000 BANK] for [ 1090 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9999 BANK] for [ 1190 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]

I can Transfer MoneyGram. It will take 4 hours.
I have a private MoneyGram carding method....

I need your info or DROP info:
First Name:_____________________
Last Name:______________________
Your country:___________________
Your City:______________________

MoneyGram RATES:
[$2000 MG] for [ 299 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$3000 MG] for [ 390 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$4000 MG] for [ 480 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$5000 MG] for [ 570 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$6000 MG] for [ 660 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$7000 MG] for [ 750 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$8000 MG] for [ 800 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9000 MG] for [ 850 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4500$ and 4500$)
[$9990 MG] for [ 999 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4995$ and 4995$)

*NOTE* :
Only for first deal with me:
1] If Order above 490$ you will receive +500$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill GIFT
2] If Order above 590$ you will receive +1.000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill GIFT
3] If Order above 690$ you will receive +3.000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill GIFT

You will receive the money without risks.. Wink
PM me first Smile

I decided to make limited transfers with buyers. A person can take only one time transfer in a day to get safe me and himself too (security reasons)
If you want to do regular business with me then you have many bank accounts, paypal, moneybookers and fake ids for western union because after 2 or 3 transfers your paypal and Wu ids will be black listed and banned. So think before deal. Make big transactions and get a side and give other peoples chance or try to gather many fake accounts and work with me on regular basis.

----- Thanks all read my post.............hope to see you soon -----
.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :

posté par ace7979 le 26-01-2022 à 10:06

Voir le profil Répondre à ce commentaire signaler un abus

I can offer: Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Moneybookers with my private carding method...
I want BitCoin, PerfectMoney
340$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 2000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
460$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 3000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
550$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 4000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
660$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 5000$ Payza, PayPal,, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill
740$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 6000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill

Prices for Payoneer:
390$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 2000$ Payoneer
490$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 3000$ Payoneer
590$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 4000$ Payoneer
690$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 5000$ Payoneer
790$ PerfectMoney / BitCoin = 6000$ Payoneer

WesternUnion RATES:
!!!! MINIMUM IS 299$ BTC FOR 2.000$ WU - If you ask me for lower amount, i will ignore you and i will report to admin !!!!
[$2000 WU] for [ 299 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$3000 WU] for [ 390 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$4000 WU] for [ 480 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$5000 WU] for [ 570 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$6000 WU] for [ 660 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$7000 WU] for [ 750 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$8000 WU] for [ 800 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9000 WU] for [ 850 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4500$ and 4500$)
[$9990 WU] for [ 899 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4995$ and 4995$)

Bank Transfer RATES:
[$2000 BANK] for [ 340 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$3000 BANK] for [ 440 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$4000 BANK] for [ 540 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$5000 BANK] for [ 640 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$6000 BANK] for [ 790 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$7000 BANK] for [ 880 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$8000 BANK] for [ 970 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9000 BANK] for [ 1090 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9999 BANK] for [ 1190 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]

I can Transfer MoneyGram. It will take 4 hours.
I have a private MoneyGram carding method....

I need your info or DROP info:
First Name:_____________________
Last Name:______________________
Your country:___________________
Your City:______________________

MoneyGram RATES:
[$2000 MG] for [ 299 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$3000 MG] for [ 390 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$4000 MG] for [ 480 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$5000 MG] for [ 570 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$6000 MG] for [ 660 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$7000 MG] for [ 750 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$8000 MG] for [ 800 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ]
[$9000 MG] for [ 850 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4500$ and 4500$)
[$9990 MG] for [ 999 $ BitCoin / PerfectMoney ] (You will get 2 MTCN's. 4995$ and 4995$)

*NOTE* :
Only for first deal with me:
1] If Order above 490$ you will receive +500$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill GIFT
2] If Order above 590$ you will receive +1.000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill GIFT
3] If Order above 690$ you will receive +3.000$ Payza, PayPal, Ucard, EgoPay, Skrill GIFT

You will receive the money without risks.. Wink
PM me first Smile

I decided to make limited transfers with buyers. A person can take only one time transfer in a day to get safe me and himself too (security reasons)
If you want to do regular business with me then you have many bank accounts, paypal, moneybookers and fake ids for western union because after 2 or 3 transfers your paypal and Wu ids will be black listed and banned. So think before deal. Make big transactions and get a side and give other peoples chance or try to gather many fake accounts and work with me on regular basis.

----- Thanks all read my post.............hope to see you soon -----
.Contact support ICQ: 748441620
.Whatsapp : +84935462769
.Telegram :

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