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posté par sunxuemei le 27-02-2021 à 08:24

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The stuff with additional critical rates are pretty useless IMO


In case you RuneScape 2107 gold can not get a royal crossbow, have a think about obtaining the Armadyl crossbow. Always use 2H or dual weaponry for slayer tasks. Proceed with the highest tier weapon you have. If you have a lv 80 ranged wep and a lvl 80 melee weapon as your greatest tier firearms, utilize the weapon which the monster is weakest too (based on combat triangle). You'll never want anything longer than bandos/ barrows to get slayer tasks. Should you need any lvl 80 weapons, I think its better to get chaotic weapons and conserve your cash on anything else. I think people should only pick the lv 90 stuff if they've got cash to burn. Up to you though.

Regarding bolts, now you can use any bolts on any bow. The compatibility thing has been removed. Should you use level 80 imperial bolts with lv 70 crossbow, then the bolts will have a damage cap as if they were level 70 bolts. In case you have a level 60offhand bow, then the mainhand bow will cap in lv 70 bolt damage and the offhand bow will cap at level 60 harm. But yeah, I simply purchase Royals since they are cheapest therefore it doesn't really matter either way.

Ganodermics are fairly great for many things magical. I tested this on beta, when you die, they do not actually lose bill which is an added bonus. Look out for weapons that used to have particular attacks because those special attacks are returning - watch the battle beta for more info. The stuff with additional critical rates are pretty useless IMO. Its about precision and foundation harm than critical values. So, for example, a fire cape isn't as good as say a skillcape IMO.

In case you  can not get a royal crossbow, have a think about obtaining the Armadyl crossbow. Always use 2H or dual weaponry for slayer tasks. Proceed with the highest tier weapon you have. If you have a lv 80 ranged wep and a lvl 80 melee weapon as your greatest tier firearms, utilize the weapon which the monster is weakest too (based on combat triangle). You'll never want anything longer than bandos/ barrows to get slayer tasks. Should you need any lvl 80 weapons, I think its better to get chaotic weapons and conserve your cash on anything else. I think people should only pick the lv 90 stuff if they've got cash to burn. Up to you though.

Regarding bolts, now you can use any bolts on any bow. The compatibility thing has been removed. Should you use level 80 imperial bolts with lv 70 crossbow, then the bolts will have a damage cap as if they were level 70 bolts. In case you have a level 60offhand bow, then the mainhand bow will cap in lv 70 bolt damage and the offhand bow will cap at level 60 harm. But yeah, I simply purchase Royals since they are cheapest therefore it doesn't really matter either way.

Ganodermics are fairly great for many things magical. I tested this on beta, when you die, they do not actually lose bill which is an added bonus. Look out for weapons that used to hav e particular attacks because those special attacks are returning - watch the battle beta for more info. The stuff with additional critical rates are pretty useless IMO. Its about precision and foundation harm than critical values. So, for example, a fire cape buy School RuneScape Gold isn't as good as say a skillcape IMO.

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