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Blog de precisejammers

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  • A WiFi and Bluetooth Jammer Can Prevent Data Theft
    publié le 18/10/2024 à 04:15

    WiFi and Bluetooth Jammer Selection

    Our Bluetooth and WiFi Jammers are for Sale in Several Models

    Picking the right WiFi or Bluetooth blocker is not as difficult as it might seem.

    It is important to understand that WiFi is available in 2 frequencies, 2.4GHz and 5GHz. While 2.4GHz is by far the most commonly used, some newer routers do include 5GHz.

    Bluetooth is within the 2.4GHz band, so any WiFi jammer that covers 2.4GHz is also going to block Bluetooth.

    The next important consideration is the size of the coverage area needed for your application. We offer units such as the 5GHz which covers both 2.4GHz and 5GHz to approximately 15 meters, the popular spy camera jammer which covers 2.4GHz WiFi only to approximately 20 meters, or the extremely powerful WiFi-5G which covers both, up to 250 meters.

    There are some variations in the coverage area depending upon local signal strength, physical environment, etc. Where the signal is weaker, the coverage is greater, and vice versa.

    If you need additional assistance in choosing the correct model please contact us and our staff is happy to help you choose the correct jammer for your needs.

    Protect your Privacy with a Spy Camera WiFi and Bluetooth Jammer

    2G 3G WiFi Blocker

    This portable unit will instantly block wireless spy cameras, WiFi, and Bluetooth, in the range of 900mhz to 2.4 Ghz.

    This WiFi jammer device disables almost all types of existing spy cameras working via wireless video, wireless LAN, and bluetooth bands. It is an excellent choice to maintain privacy in today’s wireless world. The unit blocks signals up to 30 meters and is very easy to operate. The frequency range covered by the jammer is between 900Mhz–2.5Ghz covering all video cameras mentioned.

    A Bluetooth Jammer for Peace and Quiet

    As a bluetooth jammer, this unit is small enough to be concealed in a pocket, briefcase etc. and used inconspicuously. It has built in rechargeable Ni-MH batteries and an universal charging adapter. Break the connection between large portable Bluetooth speakers and their sound source to provide quiet.

    How do I Block a Spy Camera?

    These classic spy camera jammers are perfect for businessmen or others who do not want their meetings recorded. They also work well for peace of mind in vacation rentals, hotel rooms, meeting rooms, dressing rooms, restrooms, or anywhere you do not wish to be recorded without your consent.

    A Portable Jammer Can Provide Security

    Conduct your company presentation, meeting, worship service, legal proceedings, or other important activities with security and privacy. When the wireless jammer is turned on, you have a 20-30 meter radius of security, and when you turn it off, all the wireless network activity will automatically be re-established. Also be sure to see our WiFi mini for a concealable, pocket sized model.

    To passively locate spy cameras, also see our hidden camera detector. Get more information on how to use your bluetooth jammer here.

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