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posté par lafkata le 19-07-2020 à 23:23

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Top 10

Google is one of the most popular and advanced companies in terms of business promotion, and Youtube video hosting is probably the most convenient and affordable tool for this. The site has its own built-in video analyzer YouTube Studio. It supports monitoring the ranking of video search results, as well as the system of recommendations and trends. Any user can analyze the video — just open the video recording in the Studio and go to the "Analytics"section. The program collects data from your channel, individual videos on your channel, and any interaction with YouTube mobile apps. Here is a brief overview of the most important analytical data about YouTube videos using the example of a travel blog.

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posté par Dessa4455 le 20-07-2020 à 13:50

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Use several ways to find bloggers, do not stop at one or two - otherwise you will greatly narrow your search area. Make hypotheses - where your bloggers might be, where they go, who they read, what they write about - and this will help you find them. Don't trust all the reviews. Reviews for this or that blogger may turn out to be fake in order to attract more advertisers.

posté par Brain678 le 20-07-2020 à 13:42

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Describing all the subtleties of advertising on YouTube video hosting can be very long. In addition, the site is developing rapidly, often changing its advertising policy and requirements for advertising materials.

posté par lafkata le 20-07-2020 à 13:18

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The normal development of the channel is accompanied by an even growth of subscribers. Sharp jumps up can indicate successful advertising / PR moves or fraud, and a wave of unsubscribes - about problems with reputation, the output of low-quality content. How do you like YouTube's top 10? At the same time, the number of subscribers almost always differs from the number of viewers. Some followers will not notice your new videos, but they will attract a completely new audience: from recommendations, search, and external resources. In addition to unique viewers and subscribers, it is also useful to look at the reach (total number of impressions) and CTR of icons (conversion from impression to view). The higher the number, the better: The growth of subscribers indicates that you are producing high-quality content. The number of viewers shows how many people are watching your videos. Coverage shows how many times your videos were shown in search results, recommendations, and feeds.

posté par Dessa4455 le 20-07-2020 à 12:46

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As a rule, bloggers of a narrow topic are subscribed, if not all, then to many of their colleagues. It is necessary to find literally 5-6 people and among their subscriptions new and new blogs are found. Check who the bloggers of the topic you need are subscribed to. They usually read their colleagues.

posté par Frol le 20-07-2020 à 12:31

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I follow YouTube a lot In different markets and in a wide variety of niches From tech blogging to survival lessons in the forest I know many niche popular channels that most of my friends have never heard of

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