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posté par lafkata le 22-04-2021 à 09:19

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Explanation of the Harmonic Patterns trading strategy.

Anyone who has encountered trading in the financial markets is familiar with, has heard of, or is even deeply familiar with the topic of the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci numbers. Yes, many who are far from the markets have also heard that everything in nature is built according to the rules of the Golden Section: from the snail shell and the human body to spiral galaxies.
Explanation of the Harmonic Patterns trading strategy
This view of things through the divine proportion has also migrated to the financial markets, forcing them to look at the market as something, albeit chaotic, but subject to a certain harmony, which can be seen if you know about the Golden Ratio, about the ratio of 1.618, and so on.
This approach is quite useful for the trader. It helps to get rid of the ego, not to rely on your intuition, trying to analyze the market through the prism of your expectations. After all, this always ends with the fact that the market, unaware of the expectations of a particular trader, moves as it should, contrary to the speculator's estimates, bringing frustration and emotional imbalance.
Looking at the market with the help of the harmony of divine proportion gives an idea of it as a living organism, the result of the actions of a huge number of participants. This makes the individual trader realize that he is only a grain of sand in this flow of data and actions with quotes, and his task is to see the patterns and cycles that can be described by harmonic patterns, and use them in time.

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posté par MarkUltra le 05-02-2023 à 15:06

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That's true, but I believe there are many other strategies that can be profitable for traders. After i discovered, I started learning more info about various strategies, and it didn't take me long to find the one that still helps me profit that way.

posté par Aromese le 12-01-2023 à 14:54

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I had my first investment in cryptocurrency at school, but it's all thanks to my parents, who created a crypto wallet for me on the site even then I knew that I wanted to dedicate my life to this area to become successful.

posté par Kitty0 le 29-11-2022 à 14:02

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I see you asked about a cryptocurrency . If you want to get more information about this, I recommend to visit website of this online crypto exchange. Here you can also buy or exchange crypto-currencies. In general, I think you will understand . So do not think about it anymore, go directly to it and see for yourself!

posté par Kitty0 le 29-11-2022 à 14:02

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