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posté par lafkata le 16-11-2021 à 23:49

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How to Play Vayne 

How to Play Vayne 
Vane it is important to correctly form a set of artifacts. At the first purchase, she should take:
Protective totem. Will provide Vayne with good visibility in the required area.
A health potion. It will help to quickly restore some of the lost health.
Doran's blade. Will increase the physical strength of attacks. Will give health in case of damage to the enemy.
Next, it is advisable for Vayne to take such magical items for damage:
Rapid-firing cannon. Makes the Vane faster and more powerful in terms of auto attacks.
The edge of infinity. Gives strength to the heroine's physical attacks. Critical damage with such an artifact increases by 25%.
How to Play Vayne
Greaves of a berserker. During the attack period, the Vane speed is increased by 35%.
We need to take care of creating additional protection. To do this, Vayne will need the following artifacts:
Mercury Scimitar. Increases Vane's resistance to magical enemy influences. Gives +50 units to a physical attack.
The sign of Randwin. Makes Vayne physically more secure (by 60 units). Reduces the damage received by the heroine from critical attacks.
Guardian angel. Increases attack power and physical defense by 40 units.
The banshee veil. Adds +75 units to the strength of all Vane skills. Accelerates the recharge of abilities. Increases the resistance of the heroine to magical influences from the enemy.
The armor of Warmog. Provides a good regeneration of health. Accelerates the recharge of Vayne's abilities.
Next, the artifacts are taken according to the situation. As a result, the Vane set should include the following magical items:
Mercury Scimitar.
The bloodsucker. Converts the damage caused to health.
The Ghost Dancer. Accelerates Vayne. Increases the chance of her critical attack by 25%.
The edge of infinity.
Greaves of a berserker.
Rapid-firing cannon.


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posté par Wuzzy le 15-08-2022 à 07:41

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