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posté par MarkUltra le 23-02-2023 à 15:28

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Magento extensions

Do you know where to find magento 2 extensions? I started developing my online store not so long ago, so I still don't know everything.

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posté par Slavic le 03-03-2023 à 11:24

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Now there are a lot of new technologies and tools that should be used in sales to increase the conversion of leads. In general, many companies have problems with Buyer persona interviews, namely with identifying needs, drawing up a portrait of a client, and so on. I advise you to take various sales courses and trainings.

posté par pvpzonevc le 24-02-2023 à 16:35

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I can say that it used to be a problem for me as well, and since my online store is the only source of income for me, it was highly important for me. I managed to discover magento 2 vertical menu not so long ago, and I highly recommend you work with amasty as well because there's a huge variety of useful extensions.

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