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posté par lafkata le 04-11-2020 à 13:03

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How to excite a man with a foot massage

How to excite a man with a foot massage Ancient Indian doctors said that couples should massage each other's feet to achieve sexual harmony and peace. There are 72,000 nerve endings located here. What actions are appropriate for such a massage: You can order an erotic massage in Valencia stroking and rubbing – stroke your feet from top to bottom with your fingers to warm up the skin, you can also do cross-movements up and down, cross-wise; kneading – wrap your hands around your feet so that you massage them with your thumbs in a circular motion from the toes to the heels with a little pressure; massage the heels, ankles-stretch the ankles, as they are responsible for the groin area, first lightly stroke, then RUB and pinch; kneading with your knuckles-squeeze your hand into a fist, hold the other leg, then press your knuckles into your feet, rolling the wheel; massaging the toes-remember each finger separately, slightly twist them in different directions, pinch the skin between them. At the end, twist your ankles in different directions, stroke your feet to complete the procedure with pleasant sensations. All these manipulations are carried out along the trajectory from the fingers to the heels, use aromatic oils.

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