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posté par pvpzonevc le 10-02-2023 à 14:01

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How do music creators make money?

I've heard that most music creators make money from concerts and their performances, is that true? What about streaming?

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posté par MarkUltra le 16-02-2023 à 11:04

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I agree that when it comes to music creators, they don't make a living by other people listening to their songs, they don't make a lot of money that way. That's the reason I don't feel bad when I download songs from YouTube with Tubidy, I know that most music creators live by tours and festivals. Also, I think that merch can be quite profitable as well, but I'm not sure about that because too many people are responsible for that.

posté par MarkUltra le 16-02-2023 à 10:46

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Well, I think music creators do get some money that way, it's just not the main source of income for them.

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